Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Test answers for Knowledge of Google Web Toolkit Skills Test 2016

59 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
1. Which of the following interfaces includes a method to look up strings by property name and also facilitates dynamic binding to constants by name at runtime?
• Constants
• ConstantsWithLookup
• Dictionary
• Messages
• Localizable
2. Which of the following options is INCORRECT in relation to the HTML tags and their corresponding CSS selectors in Google Web Toolkit?
• <button> tag has button as its CSS selector.
• <button class="gwt-Button"> has button.gwt-Button as its CSS selector.
• <button class="gwt-Button my-button"> has as its CSS selector.
3. ClientBundle has the two resource types - TextResource and ExternalTextResource - which provide access to static text content.

Which of the following options is correct?
• TextResource interns the text into the compiled JavaScript, while ExternalTextResource bundles related text resources into a single file which is accessed asynchronously.
• ExternalTextResource interns the text into the compiled JavaScript, while TextResource bundles related text resources into a single file which is accessed asynchronously.
• TextResource reads the content of a file using URLs, while ExternalTextResource bundles related text resources into a single file which is accessed asynchronously.
4. Which of the following methods is used to add a split point to your code?
• GWT.runAsync
• GWT.getModuleName
• GWTTestCase.delayTestFinish
• RequestBuilder.setTimeoutMillis
5. The JUnit TestCase base class has two methods: gwtSetUp() and gwtTearDown(), which are used to prepare for and/or clean up after each test method. Given below is a code snippet of the gwtSetUp() method:

public void gwtSetUp () {
Element bodyElem = RootPanel.getBodyElement();
List<Element> toRemove = new ArrayList<Element>();
for (int i = 0, n = DOM.getChildCount(bodyElem); i < n; ++i)
Element elem = DOM.getChild(bodyElem, i);
String nodeName = getNodeName(elem);
if (!"script".equals(nodeName) && !"iframe".equals(nodeName)) {

for (int i = 0, n = toRemove.size(); i < n; ++i) {
DOM.removeChild(bodyElem, toRemove.get(i));

What operation will the above code snippet perform?
• It skips over <iframe> and <script> tags before each test method in a test case.
• It skips over <iframe> and <script> tags after each test method in a test case.
• It removes <iframe> and <script> tags from the DOM architecture before each test method in a test case.
• It removes <iframe> and <script> tags from the DOM architecture after each test method in a test case.
6. Using Eclipse IDE, a new Google Web Toolkit application named "MyApp" is created. Now the application directory contain some sub-directories by default. Which of the following sub-directories contains the production Java source of this web Application?
• src
• war
• test
• settings
7. Consider the following statements regarding the content type in Google Gadgets.

Statement X: With HTML content type, all of the code typically resides in the gadget spec. This includes the gadget XML, and any HTML markup and JavaScript.
Statement Y: With URL content type, all information relating to the gadget's user interface and programmatic logic resides in the file referenced by the URL, but HTML markup or JavaScript can also be included within the gadget itself.
• Statement Y is correct, while statement X is incorrect.
• Statement X is correct, while statement Y is incorrect.
• Both statements X and Y are correct.
• Both statements X and Y are incorrect.
8. A Google Web Toolkit Ajax web application has two pages "page1" and "page2", and their corresponding history tokens generated are "page1" and "page2". The user is currently on "page2". What is the correct URL using which the GWT Ajax Web Application will go to the "page1" state, if the GWT Ajax Web application is deployed at the following URL?

9. What is the purpose of the global collector function used in Lightweight Metrics System?
• It tests the Google Web Toolkit code via the GWTTestCase class.
• It speeds up the application's startup by allowing the application to start running before all of its code is installed.
• It helps Google Web Toolkit programmers gain insight into what happens in the application during compilation.
• It is used to evaluate and report events in the Google Web Toolkit application.
10. Which of the following statements regarding Root panel are correct?
• Root panel is the container for the dynamic elements of a Google Web Toolkit application.
• Root panel is at the top of any Google Web Toolkit user interface hierarchy.
• By default the Root panel wraps the body element.
• A host page can contain only one Root panel.
11. Which of the following methods is used to retrieve the serialization policy file in your Google Web Toolkit webapp application directory?
• ServletContext.getResource()
• ServletContext.getContext()
• ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher()
• ServletContext.getServlet()
12. What is the data type of the argument used in the GWTTestCase.delayTestFinish method?
• int
• string
• binary
• object
13. Google Web Toolkit deploys the mini-applications created, using the Google Gadgets API. Given below are some standard tags used in a Google gadget. Identify which tag contains information such as its title, description, author, and other optional features?
• <Module>
• <ModulePrefs>
• <Content type="html">
14. In order to use the ClientBundle in a Google Web Toolkit application, which of the following inherits tags is required to be included in the gwt.xml file?
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
15. Which of the following approaches for associating CSS files in a Google Web Toolkit application is INCORRECT?
• Using a <link> tag in the host HTML page.
• Using the <stylesheet> element in the module XML file.
• Using a DataResource contained within a ClientBundle.
• Using an inline <ui:style> element in a UiBinder template.
16. Which of the following statements are valid with regard to Google Web Toolkit?
• It allows you to write AJAX applications in Java and then compile the source to highly optimized JavaScript code.
• It allows you to write AJAX applications in JavaScript and then compile the source to highly optimized Java code.
• The Google Web Toolkit SDK provides a set of core Java APIs and widgets.
• The Google Web Toolkit SDK provides a set of core JavaScript APIs and widgets.
17. Which of the following command line utilities generates the files and folders needed to start a Google Web Toolkit project?
• Apache Ant
• webAppCreator
• JUnit
18. The Google Maps Javascript API has certain events which are classified as UI Events and MVC state change events. Which of the following options are correct with regard to this?
• 'click' is a UI event.
• 'mousedown' is an MVC state change event.
• 'dblclick' is a UI event.
• 'zoom_changed' is an MVC state change event.
• 'bounds_changed' is a UI event.
19. Suppose that in a Google Web Toolkit application there is a functionality called "Edit Account" which is not required initially when the application is being downloaded. Which of the following approaches should be adopted in order to optimize the initial download of the Google Web Toolkit application?
• Eliminate classes or packages related to "Edit Account" entirely.
• Set split points in the Google Web Toolkit application.
• Such optimization is not possible as the code is already complied into JavaScript.
20. The class reference of the Google AJAX Search API is used to perform a search operation in Google Web Toolkit. Which of the following methods in this class reference activates the search control object when all searchers have been added into the search control?
• addSearcher
• draw
• execute
• setLinkTarget
21. While unit testing a Google Web Toolkit application in JUnit, the following line of code is added in JUnitShell:


Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the impact of adding this line of code?
• It will add an argument to the JUnit TestRunner class.
• It will run your unit test in manual mode.
• It will override the test run from development mode to production mode.
• It will run your unit test on Remote systems.
22. Which of the following Google Web Toolkit base classes provides JUnit integration?
• TestCase
• GWTTestCase
• TestRunner
• EntryPoint
• JField
23. In a Google Web Toolkit web application, the following argument is passed to the JUnitShell:


What will the output be?
• It will throw an error.
• It will print the command help keywords in the console.
• It will print help to the console.
• It will run Google Web Toolkit in production mode.
24. Consider the following statements regarding the Google JavaScript Maps API and the Maps API Library for Google Web Toolkit.

Statement X: Google Maps API and Google Web Toolkit prepend all method names with the letter G.
Statement Y: Google Maps event handling in JavaScript relies on JavaScript's dynamic type system, whereas in Google Web Toolkit each event is modeled as a separate class.

Which of the following option is correct?
• Statement X is correct, while statement Y is incorrect.
• Statement X is incorrect, while statement Y is correct.
• Both statements X and Y are correct.
• Both statements X and Y are incorrect.
25. Which of the following Google Web Toolkit classes is used to make server calls in a Google Web Toolkit web application?
26. Which of the following tags is added to a gwt.xml file in order to add Google Visualization to the Google Web Toolkit module?
• <inherits name=''/>
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="*" />
27. The resources in a deployed Google Web Toolkit application are categorized as:

1)resources to never cache (.nocache.js),
2)resources to cache forever (.cache.html),
3)everything else (myapp.css)

In relation to this, the ClientBundle interface moves entries from:
• the never-cache category Into the cache-forever category.
• the everything-else category into the cache-forever category.
• the everything-else category into the never-cache category.
28. Consider the following statements regarding Google Web Toolkit widgets which contain ARIA roles and states.

Statement X: A widget can only ever have one role attribute which is set at the time the widget is constructed.
Statement Y: A widget can have numerous state attributes which are initialized at the time the widget is constructed and updated during user interaction.
• Statement X is correct, while statement Y is incorrect.
• Statement X is incorrect, while statement Y is correct.
• Both statements X and Y are correct.
• Both statements X and Y are incorrect.
29. Which of the following Google Maps API Web Services provides the facility to convert addresses into their corresponding values in latitudes and longitudes?
• Directions API
• Geocoding API
• Elevation API
• Places API
30. Which of the following ClientBundle resource types can retrieve the contents of a file at runtime using URLs?
• ImageResource
• DataResource
• ExternalTextResource
• GwtCreateResource
31. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Google Web Toolkit?
• Dynamic and reusable UI components
• Support for full-featured Java debugging
• JUnit integration
• Common JavaScript errors being caught at run time
• Easy internationalization
32. Which of the following statements regarding Google Web Toolkit ImageResource is INCORRECT?
• Multiple ImageResources are declared in a single ClientBundle, which is a composition of many images into a single image.
• ImageResource results in multiple round trips for the composite images.
• As the filename of the composite image is based on a hash of the file's contents, the filename will change only if the composite image is changed.
33. A Compile Report produced during a regular Google Web Toolkit compilation consists of a set of HTML pages which provide a graphical representation of the compilation done. Given below are two explanations regarding the flags used in a particular compile report.

Definition 1: -compileReport: It produces a standard Compile Report. By default, the report is written to a directory called extras/[moduleName]/soycReport/compileReport/.

Definition 2: -XsoycDetailed: It produces the standard Compile Report along with "stories.xml" which contains the detail regarding connection between specific Java code snippets and JavaScript code snippets.

Which of the following options is correct?
• Definition 1 is correct, while definition 2 is incorrect.
• Definition 2 is correct, while definition 1 is incorrect.
• Both definitions are correct.
• Both definitions are incorrect.
34. Which of the following Google Web Toolkit base classes combines the Google Web Toolkit test cases and reorders them so that all test cases that share a module are run back to back?
• GWTTestCase
• TestRunner
• GWTTestSuite
• JField
35. Given below are examples of two different syntaxes which are used to deploy a Google Web Toolkit application on Google App Engine.

Syntax 1: appengine-java-sdk\bin\appcfg.cmd [options] <action> <war-location>
Syntax 2: ./appengine-java-sdk/bin/ [options] <action> <war-location>

Which of the following options is correct?
• Syntax 1 is for Windows OS.
• Syntax 2 is for Mac OS X or Linux.
• Syntax 1 is for Mac OS X or Linux.
• Syntax 2 is for Windows OS.
36. In which of the following internationalization techniques do the applications look for localized strings in the module's host and do NOT need recompilation when a new locale is added?
• Static String Internationalization
• Dynamic String Internationalization
• Localizable Interface
37. In order to use the NumberFormat or DateTimeFormat classes in a Google Web Toolkit application, which of the following inherits lines should be inserted into the Google Web Toolkit application module XML file?
• <inherits name=""/>
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
• <inherits name="" />
38. Consider the following statements regarding the modes in which Google Web Toolkit applications can be run.

Statement X: In the Web Mode, the application is run as pure JavaScript and HTML, compiled from the Java source and is used for deployment of the application.
Statement Y: In the Development mode, the application is run as Java bytecode within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is used for development, hot swapping of code and debugging.
• Statement X is correct, while statement Y is incorrect.
• Statement X is incorrect, while statement Y is correct.
• Both statements X and Y are incorrect.
• Both statements X and Y are correct.
39. In a Google Web Toolkit widget, there is a form field whose tabIndex is 2. Suppose that you change the tabIndex to -1. Which of the following options are correct with regard to this tabIndex?
• The form field will be moved to the beginning of the tab sequence.
• The form field will be removed from the tab sequence.
• The form field is still allowed to receive focus programmatically.
• The form field will be moved to the end of the tab sequence.
40. The Speed Tracer tool uses some JavaScript rule definitions in order to find potential performance problems in a Google Web Toolkit application. One of the rules is "Total Bytes Downloaded" which gives informational hints when a particular amount of data is downloaded. Which of the following is the data amount at which a "Critical" hint is given?
• Cumulative download size is 2MB or greater
• Cumulative download size is 1MB or greater
• Cumulative download size is 500kB or greater
41. Which of the following are examples of Class Annotations?
• @GeneratedFrom(String fileName)
• @Generate(String[] formatFQCN, String filename, String[] locales)
• @Description(String desc)
• @Meaning(String meaning)
42. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with regard to Google Web Toolkit components?
• Google Web Toolkit Java-to-JavaScript Compiler translates the Java programming language to the JavaScript programming language.
• Google Web Toolkit Development Mode allows the developers to run and execute Google Web Toolkit applications in development mode.
• Google Web Toolkit Web UI supports the package.
43. Which of the following tools helps optimize a Google Web Toolkit application by allowing the application to start running before all of its code is installed?
• Speed Tracer
• Google Web Toolkit's code splitter
• Client Bundles
• Lightweight Metrics
44. In a GWT application, there is an ARIA role region that updates without having keyboard focus. Which of the following ARIA states specifies the priority of such dynamic content updates?
• aria-labelledby
• aria-live
• aria-activedescendant
• aria-expanded
45. Which of the following jar files is required to use the Google Chart Tools API in a Google Web Toolkit project?
• gwt-servlet.jar
• appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.3.4.jar
• gwt-visualization.jar
• gwt-user.jar
46. What is the response type of the Google AJAX Search API?
• Simple TEXT
47. In a Google Web Toolkit web application, the corresponding module XML file contains the collection of resources that comprise the web application. Which of the following options represent(s) the correct syntax of the various nodes in the module XML file?
• <inherits path='some--data-here'/>
• <entry-point class='some--data-here'/>
• <source name='some--data-here'/>
• <source path='some--data-here'/>
48. Which of the following components figures out which browser environment the Google Web Toolkit application is running in and determines the appropriate version of the application to load?
• The host HTML page
• The Bootstrap script
• The Application Files
49. Given below is a JSON object of a typical Lightweight Metrics System event.

moduleName : <Module name>,
subSystem : <Subsystem name>,
evtGroup : <Event group>,
millis : <Current time in millis>,
type : <Event type>

What does "subsystem" signify here?
• It is the name of your Google Web Toolkit module.
• It refers to the specific component that is emitting these events in the Google Web Toolkit application.
• It is analogous to a grouping of related events that can be assumed to follow a serial order.
• It indicates the actual method or step that was run and emitted the event.
50. Which of the following browser rendering engines will operate if Google Web Toolkit sets doctype to HTML 4.01 Transitional?
• Quirks Mode
• Standards Mode
• Almost Standards Mode
• IE7 Mode
51. While deploying a Google Web Toolkit module on a servlet container using RPC, the servlet in the application, including Google Web Toolkit RPC servlets, will need to be defined in:
• web.xml
• build.xml
• appengine-web.xml
• <module-name>.gwt.xml
52. Consider the following statements regarding deployment of a Google Web Toolkit application on a web server.

Statement X: The host HTML page and the bootstrap script can reside anywhere on the web server.
Statement Y: The Google Web Toolkit application files can reside anywhere on the web server irrespective of the location of the bootstrap script.

Which of the following options is correct?
• Statement X is correct, while statement Y is incorrect.
• Statement X is incorrect, while statement Y is correct.
• Both statements X and Y are correct.
• Both statements X and Y are incorrect.
53. Which of the following HTML elements does the Label widget map to in Google Web Toolkit?
• HTML <label> element
• HTML <div> element
• HTML <textarea> element
• HTML <map> element
54. Which of the following webAppCreator parameters defines the directory location where Google Web Toolkit web application files will be generated?
• -out
• -junit
• moduleName
55. In addition to individual events, the global collector method in the Lightweight Metrics system can also track and compare groups of events.
• True
• False
56. The appcfg utility is used to deploy a Google Web Toolkit web application. Which of the following appcfg commands uploads files of an application to the application's root directory?
Note: The root directory location has been denoted by <war-location>.
• [options] update <war-location>
• [options] rollback <war-location>
• [options] update_queues <war-location>
• [options] update_indexes <war-location>
57. In order to use internationalized characters, which of the following charsets should be included in the meta tag of the host HTML file?
• UTF-8
• iso-8859-1
• us-ascii
• iso8859_1
• iso-8859-1; charset=iso-8859-1
58. Which of the following interfaces in "" indicates that a Gadget may need to be resized automatically by the container?
• NeedsAnalytics
• NeedsDynamicHeight
• NeedsIntrinsics
• NeedsSetPrefs
59. Which of the following statements holds true for the Navigation control present in the Google Maps API?
• It displays a large pan/zoom control to be used on Google Maps.
• It displays a map scale element.
• It lets the user toggle between map types (such as ROADMAP and SATELLITE).

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